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Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to Make Your PC Run As Fast As the Day You Bought It

The problem many people are facing is their computers are running slower and slower every day that you use them. This is an issue which has plagued computer systems ever since they first started becoming popular and if it's happened to your system, then you'll know how annoying and frustrating it can be.
Not many people are aware of this, but there's actually a simple cause of a slow system which most Windows computers fall victim to during their lives. This problem grows and grows with time, meaning that if you can fix it, you'll be able to make your system run as fast as the day it was made. It all boils down to a part of your computer called the 'registry', which is a big database that stores your computer settings and options.
The registry is a database which keeps your system running as quickly and smoothly as possible, and is best described as a big telephone directory for your PC. Things like your latest emails, your desktop wallpaper and even your login credentials are all stored inside this directory / database, and are opened and edited by Windows every time you use your PC. This is a crucial element of how the Windows OS operates, but it's also the cause of your PC's decline in speed & power.
The reason why the registry makes your computer run slowly is because it's forever being used too much by your system. Every time you do anything on your PC, it's constantly opening and reading 100's of files and settings from the registry in order to help your PC run smoothly. However, with so many files open at once, Windows is often getting confused and ends up saving many of these registry files in the wrong way, making them corrupt and damaged. This causes your system to take longer to read the files it needs, slowing it down.
Think of it like your PC mixing up its telephone directory-style database, making it extremely difficult to locate and read the settings it needs. This is happening every time you load up your PC and because your operating system cannot fix these files itself, it's forever making more and more of them damaged. This is why new computers seem to run very fast, whilst older computers seem to run slower and slower - because more parts of the registry are being damaged every day. This is actually the biggest cause of a slow system and is fixed by using a registry cleaner to go through the registry directory and fix all the mixed-up files that are in there.

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