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Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is So Special About a 1GB Pen Drive?

Long time ago, there was this thing called a 64MB pen drive and people thought it was something so amazing that it allows them to store data up to 64MB. This worked in the past and is no longer useful for many people nowadays.
If you are a working adult, this capacity is really not doing any help for you at all. In addressing this issue, the digital data storage industry leaders started to put in more effort in their research and development. This resulted in one of their greatest discoveries and creation, called the 1GB pen drive.
Now what is so special about a 1GB pen drive?
Do you still remember the time you used to use floppy disk to store your data? When you come to think about it, how could it be possible for them to survive with just the capacity of 1.75MB in a floppy disk? Amazingly, they lived through that. The way they did it was they had as many as they can to store up whatever they wanted to store.
Be grateful that you do not have to do that anymore. With the storage capacity of 1GB, you can now store 75 times more than what you can with a floppy disk. Now, would you rather carry 75 disks or one USB drive with you no matter where you go? The answer is really obvious.
This simply shows an 1GB pen drive is handy and convenient. When you want to carry the important data with you, you can either have them printed on a stack of papers or worse still, you need papers with bigger sizes to do your presentation. When you do that, you are no longer relevant to the world and your prospects will find you are still living in the past. It just appear unprofessional to them.
Now imagine if a salesperson opens up his laptop, preparing and getting ready for his presentation and the next thing he does is taking out his pen drive and chucks it into the laptop. When everything is set, he starts his presentation with a flash pointer. While you may not be interested in what he presented, he definitely looks more professional comparing to the one being described above. This is called the 'data in your pocket'.
1GB pen drive also comes in many different forms and designs. The world contains of so many different people which that they want different things at the same time. If you own a business and intend to give away USB drives as promotional merchandises to your customers, you can have your logo imprinted of them or colors that best represents your business. If you are a home user, it is even easier and you just need to choose whatever color and design you want from a pen drive. Some of the pen drives even come in the forms of figurines and materials. Examples would include USB drives made of wood or with the cartoon character. Depending on each person's preference, some of these drives are really selling like hot cakes.
These were the evidences why the 1GB pen drive is so popular in the world today. It is useful and contributing values to almost every one, including you.
For more information and suppliers of 1GB Pen Drive visit Here you will find more articles and tips on Promotional Items as well as a Quick Quotes form where you can conveniently submit your request in one form and get responses from multiple suppliers so that you can find the best price and product for your marketing needs.

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