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Thursday, December 10, 2009

PC Freezing? Here's a Simple Method to Make it More Reliable and Stop Crashing

The problem of a PC which is constantly crashing is nothing new, and in fact... the first ever computer was prevented from starting because a moth had got stuck inside it. This was where the term "computer bug" came from and it has stuck ever since. Unfortunately, modern day PCs are much harder to fix, however this tutorial should give you an idea of what you need to do.
Not many people actually know what makes computers freeze, but we do. Essentially, it's down to a number of different reasons, but by far the most common is a part of your system called the 'registry'. This is a database which Windows uses to store the likes of your settings, options and information, allowing Windows to remember a lot of different things for your PC, even when it's turned off and on again. The reason why the registry makes your computer freeze is because it's being used too much, and is constantly becoming corrupt and damaged.
Computers freeze and crash because they reach a "dead end", where they are unable to process the commands you give them because they are stuck trying to follow your last instructions. These 'dead ends' are caused by registry settings that are corrupt and damaged, which are caused when your PC uses too many of them and gets confused. Every time you use Windows, it's forever having to load a number of different settings and options to help your PC run as smoothly as possible. These all come from the registry, but because so many files are open at once, your PC is often confused and saves many of them in the wrong way. This causes your computer to run extremely slowly as it tries to decipher these files...... but if the files are unreadable, it also causes your system to freeze.
With 100,000's of files inside the registry, it's actually quite difficult to know if this problem is the cause of your computer crashes. However, there's actually an easy way to know if you can fix the issue. There are software tools called "Registry Cleaners" which have been designed to clean out the registry database and fix any of the problems that are causing your computer to freeze. These tools fix all the damaged and broken registry files inside your system, and will cure the crashes that you are seeing. You just need to download a tool, install it and then let it scan your PC. After it's found all the errors on your system, it will give you the option to fix them, and make your PC run better.

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